Feel free to kick off your shoes and read my "everyday" blog.
Blog addicts welcome.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


I use Puncgh u ation wen I wryt sentesiz!?.@";=+8*&
Just like Catherine's belly button puffs out and when you push it in it wiggles. I will make your face wiggles.
U will hav nooo teeth!!1

The Adventures of Caden

Coke-a-roch                                                                                                                                                       Caden (5):  Mom, I see a cokearoch!!  Mom:  It's called a cockroach :)
We all burst out laughing.
China Hole Egg
Mom, I'm gonna dig in my china hole and bring you back a China egg! Okay! Mom rolls eyes.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The cool kids

c: constipated
o: over-weighted
o: out of style
l: loser

On bus #3:

Andrea talking to Caityln. Says to Preston: you are so stupid! (Andrea is black. Hope that offended you donkey!) Preston: Says the girl w/ blue beads in her hair!!  Adashia: (black also) Uh her hair is not blue uh it is brown uh scuuuuse me!! (she annoys me the most she is a new kid and she thinks she is all that) (plus Caitlyn goes to my chuch. Now even church is a nightmare!!) haha Aspen (my step sis) has Caitlyn's contact in her phone. We prank called her and said: This is 911 calling for caitlyn. She is required for juvenile detention. To make arrangements with us please return this call to: ------- Judge Brown.

She thought it was real!! we used a recorded voice accent also. I'll bet that probly doesn't even make sense.

Good evening idiots!! :)

Had pizza for dinner and then sneaked a few cookies......
Mom and Caden went to the sweetheart ball. I tried to sneak into the car but she caught me. We started talking and then she turned the radio on and Caden busted some moves! I went inside and watched Carson play his PSP for a while and then I came and got on my blog. And started typing. whew! I dont know this is just a random post. I was bored.  okay were gonna play charades. What am I?  8)       A: cool dude     What am I? <()       A: penguin   What am I? (^^^)     A:  shark      okay now back to the post:
And now I'm still typing. TOP SECRET: Murphy news is starting a contest on Jan 30th. Whoever wins gets a free stink bomb. deadline is Feb 10th. Good luck!!

I Beileive I can Fly

<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/zv1zjoM75e8" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>

The Fam

Me, Mom, Dad, Amber, Aspen, Shelby, Maddy, Carson, Caden, Calie
10, 42, 47, 27, 9, 6, 1, 8, 5, 20
me   mom   dad   step-mom   step-sis   step-sis   sis   bro   bro   sis